Ministry Intern

Objective of the Internship

This position exists for the mutual benefit of Lakeside United Methodist Church and the intern. Lakeside UMC benefits from an individual who can offer their own set of skills, knowledge, interests, and passions to support and enhance our church as a whole. In turn, the intern receives the opportunity to learn and practice ministry in a safe and nurturing environment as the intern continues to discern a call to ministry.

Profile of the Intern

  • Must be at least 18 years of
  • Desire to explore a sense of call to minis
  • Willing to connect and care for the congregation (with an emphasis on children’s ministries).
  • Ability to help lead discussions and group activiti
  • Must pass a background check and adhere to Safe Sanctuary
  • Willing to work a maximum of 10 hours a week. (The hours will be flexible.)

Expectations of the Intern

To be an example of Christian health to our students and church members, involving things like:

  • Attending Sunday morning worship consistently.
  • Taking opportunities to grow in your faith person
  • Demonstrating appropriate boundaries in life, relationships, and Living out a Christian walk both in the church and outside the church.

To grow in maturity as a Christian servant and leader:

  • Meeting monthly with the pastor to reflect on ministry principles and evaluating ministry experience
  • Engage in Christian leadership & discipleship growth that is led by the pastor.

To serve as a leader in the Lakeside Children’s Ministry, & the congregation as a whole:

  • Will create of plans for Children’s church and take primary leadership and coordination of volunteer support.
  • Attend and assist with the Sunday morning youth Sunday school teaching & Assist with plans and execution of Youth/Children’s Ministry special events.
  • Assist with some administrative tasks and other church related tasks as needed.

Accountability Structure

  • The Ministry Intern is directly accountable to the staff parish relations committee who works with the Pastor.

When the storms of life are raging, stand by me.