

Sunday Schedule:

  • 9:30 am – Sunday School
  • 10:30 am – Worship

Our nursery for infants and toddlers is available each Sunday morning beginning at 9:15. The nursery is located at the west end of the education wing.

If you are looking for a spiritual home, please join us for Sunday Service. Whether you are searching for Jesus, or a community, or even something you can’t quite put into words, Lakeside United Methodist Church, offers an environment and community where you can explore or continue your quest.

In worship we are attempting the joining together of the people of God in all their diversity, under one roof and in one service, to glorify God through the offering up of corporate praise. The term “blended” speaks of the artful weaving together of varying musical styles and other elements into a seamless tapestry which honors the Lord without alienating any particular group.


“In every imaginable setting, through worship, people seek to connect with God, allow God’s Word to shape them, and offer their response of faith. God’s Spirit changes us through worship.”

~ Five Practices by Robert Schnase